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The development of mobile applications, a rapidly expanding art

développement mobile

The development of mobile applications, a rapidly expanding art

We specialize in the development of mobile applications, we do not hide it: Android, iPhone, iPad are words on the agenda for us. But sometimes, in the midst of our busy schedule, we ask ourselves the following question: Is it always so easy to develop mobile applications that meet customer requirements? And, above all, how do you stay up to date in this area as well?

The development of mobile applications, technical expertise alone is not enough!

Of course, you need to have solid technical and digital knowledge for the development of a mobile application. But that’s not enough: you need to keep up to date with what’s going on around you and the market and users’ needs. Indeed, there are two main types of updates to process:

  • Keeping Up With Current Trends: Developing mobile applications requires knowledge of market and web marketing trends to successfully meet customer needs and create apps that are easy to use.
  • Technical and technological update: new frontiers are constantly being developed in the world of technical implementation and programming, always innovative tools that simplify work, but which always require in-depth study and a good level of use.

The potential of a technical team that follows the development of mobile applications lies here: in being able to combine marketing and technology, market analysis and computerization, the study of trends and automation, for a brilliant result to which the customer and the customers. end-users will not be able to say no !.

Mobile application: what is the mission of a digital agency?

In all areas, but even more so in the mobile sector, a development agency cannot live in statics and passivity: the stimulus of continuous updating and the desire to be among the leaders must be inherent in every staff member.

Therefore, the main task of an agency is to guide the client towards the most appropriate choices for his activity and the growth of his notoriety, leaving aside what is considered unnecessary.

Development of a mobile application, the main stages

The basic steps that a web / mobile agency must follow for the development of an android application are as follows:

  • Briefing with the client, including analysis of needs and opportunities;
  • Market and competition analysis; Preparation of the technical structure of the application;
  • Implementation of the graphic model;
  • Implementation of the text;
  • Creation of a demo version;
  • Extensive testing on all platforms and operating systems.

Once the client’s approval is received, we move on to the following steps:

  • Submission of the mobile application to the main stores;
  • Launch of targeted marketing actions to promote the application on the web, social media, and if necessary, in the traditional market.

Which professionals are involved in designing a mobile application?

As you can see in the previous paragraph, there are a lot of professionals involved in the development of mobile applications: iOS / Android developers, web and mobile designers, copywriters, Community Managers, marketing managers and graphic designers all play a fundamental role in the development f application success. This is why it is important to rely on professionals with a natural predisposition to the web and mobile world.