Vous avez des questions sur nos prestations? Vous souhaitez bénéficier d’un audit gratuit  ou tout simplement échanger avec nous, n’hésitez pas à à nous appeler directement.

66 rue Crillon, 69006 Lyon
09 72 52 83 42
06 13 70 50 43

Proposed services

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the services offered in our applications, which can be supplemented by specific services developed to measure.

• Express Delivery in 1H• Scheduling a delivery• Click & Collect
• Express Delivery in 1H:
• Tracking delivery status
• Scheduling a delivery:
• Integrated payment system
• Click & Collect:
• Integration of geolocation
• Express Delivery in 1H:
• Multimedia modules, video, image scan, barcode, QRCode
• Scheduling a delivery:
• Online ordering of your products and services
• Click & Collect:
• Administration of your products and orders from your customers
• Express Delivery in 1H:
• Push notifications, SMS and E-mails
• Scheduling a delivery:
• Chat module with your customers
• Click & Collect:
• Dispatch system for selecting a recipient
• Express Delivery in 1H:
• Appointment module
• Scheduling a delivery:
• Automatic generation of invoices
• Click & Collect:
• Order History